Jun 5, 2010

C'è un chip italiano nascosto nella rivoluzione tecnologica. Mandaci il tuo

L'innovazione italiana, spesso, sfugge alle statistiche. Eppure c'è. Persino nascosta dietro prodotti di punta come l'iPhone della Apple o la Wii di Nintendo. Vi raccontiamo, nell'articolo qui sotto, una storia nata in un laboratorio di un centinaio di progettisti nella provincia milanese. Ma sappiamo che ce ne sono altre. L'ecosistema è fatto di spin off universitari, giovani start up, Pmi e laboratori di aziende. Vogliamo raccontare le vostre storie. Inviatele a questo indirizzo mail.

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Feb 23, 2010

Bloom Boxes: il futuro dell'energia domestica?

L'attesa per sapere cosa si cela dietro alle nuove celle a combustibile dei Bloom Energy Boxes cresce. Ovviamente, contemporaneamente cresce anche lo scetticismo.
Nell'attesa potete leggere qui e guardare il video:
The Future Of Energy? Bloom Energy

Feb 19, 2010

Internet for peace

Smart-Grid Carbon Savings

[IEEE Spectrum] The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has issued a report in which carbon savings from introduction of smart grid technologies are estimated, looking ahead to the year 2030. PNNL, located in Richland, Washington and operated by Batelle for the U.S. Department of Energy, puts direct carbon savings from equipment like smart meters at 12 percent, and indirect savings from things like stronger grid support for renewable electricity generation at 6 percent.

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Feb 17, 2010

Sviluppo applicazioni mobile multipiattaforma

Visto al MWC 2010:
Enough Software J2ME Polish: piattaforme di sviluppo con porting semplificato su più piattaforme. Progetto Open Source molto interessante.


Feb 14, 2010

The future of WiFi is white!

WiFi in una parte dello spettro lasciato libero dalle TV analogiche (white space)con enormi vantaggi nella propagazione del segnale.
In America l'FCC ha già dato il via: http://wifiwhitespace.org/

Feb 13, 2010

Banda larga mobile?

Qualcuno inizia ad accorgersi che:
- La banda è condivisa tra gli utenti della cella (tante chiavette = poca banda)
- Non tutte le celle offrono la stessa banda
- E soprattutto che il collo di bottiglia è la rete che sta dientro alla stazioni radio base

Leggi su Nova24

Feb 11, 2010

First LTE Network Underperforms in Tests

The world's first commercial LTE service, which launched in Sweden in December, only hit download speeds of 12 Mbps in tests by market-research company Northstream. Operator TeliaSonera promised speeds of up to 50 Mbps.

Feb 10, 2010

Google broadband

[Google:] Imagine sitting in a rural health clinic, streaming three-dimensional medical imaging over the web and discussing a unique condition with a specialist in New York. Or downloading a high-definition, full-length feature film in less than five minutes. Or collaborating with classmates around the world while watching live 3-D video of a university lecture. Universal, ultra high-speed Internet access will make all this and more possible. We've urged the FCC to look at new and creative ways to get there in its National Broadband Plan – and today we're announcing an experiment of our own.

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Wi-Fi Direct

For consumers concerned about wireless network Relevant Products/Services congestion, hope may be at hand. That's the message from a group of tech companies backing wireless fidelity, or Wi-Fi, a way to get online without having to go through a traditional mobile-phone network.

The Wi-Fi Alliance, an industry group that includes Intel, Marvell Technology Group, and dozens of other electronics companies, was at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas to tout a new technology called Wi-Fi Direct as a way to relieve bottlenecks in wireless networks caused by increased use of mobile devices to access the Internet.

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Social Networks for Things

At the recent DLD Conference (Digital - Life - Design) in Munich, Germany, Esther Dyson moderated a panel on the Internet of Things. The subject of the discussion was giving identity to things, just as people have an identity. In essence, creating social networks for things.

On the panel were Ulla-Maaria Engeström (Thinglink), Doug Krugman (Personal Commerce), Michael Silverman (ThingD). Dyson began by noting that people have always had identities and there are countless services for that, but things don't have that yet. So, she asked, will there be networks for things?

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Enel Considering Google’s PowerMeter for Pilot Project

The Italian utility has the largest number of smart meters in the world, about 30 million. Now it’s talking with Google about using its PowerMeter home energy display in a new pilot project.

Enel, Italy's primary utility, is looking to Google's PowerMeter in a home energy management pilot project. If the project goes through, it would provide the largest test bed yet for the internet search giant's foray into helping homeowners save energy.

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Feb 4, 2010

Long Range WiFi Network Aids Haiti Relief Effort

After a 7.0 magnitude earthquake devastated Port-au-Prince on 12 January, reporters on the ground observed that the damage done to the telecommunications infrastructure was hampering coordination efforts.

But first impressions didn’t convey the whole story. Senior editor Harry Goldstein reports that while landlines were destroyed, cell phone networks temporarily overwhelmed, and the country’s sole link to a high-capacity fiber optic undersea cable severed, Haiti’s multiple links to the Internet—and the key to networking NGOs on the ground—worked. The challenge for engineers now is the proverbial last mile—getting local connections to satellites restored so Haitians and NGOs can get online.

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Workshop on "Green ICT & ICT for Green"

Politecnico di Milano, February 22nd, 13:30 Rogers Room (via Ampère 2, Milan).

On February 22nd, 13:30 Rogers Room (via Ampère 2, Milan), a workshop on “Green ICT & ICT for Green (communication technologies and environmental sustainability)"” will be organized by the Politecnico di Milano and by the Ordine degli Ingegneri.

The ICT sector plays a key role in environmental policies. On the one hand, ICT has to improve its environmental impact by reducing its energy consumption and total emissions of CO2 (Green ICT). On the other hand, ICT applications are also part of the solution of environmental problems as they can improve the environmental impact of all other sectors of the worldwide economy, reducing their energy consumption and allowing a more sustainable energy generation through renewables sources (ICT for Green).

The workshop is to provide an overview on the Smart Grid, Energy Saving, Green computing & networking, and to present research results and implementation experiences with contributions from companies and research laboratories.

For more information about the program and registration (free):

Green Touch Initiative

Green Touch Initiative, a consortium of leading industry players, research institutions and non-governmental organizations to define the challenge, identify solutions and develop solutions with the goal to deliver the architecture, specifications, roadmap, and demonstrations of key components needed to reduce ICT energy consumption per bit by a factor of 1,000 from current levels within five years. www.greentouch.org

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