Sep 29, 2011

Faster Than a Speeding Photon (IEEE Spectrum)

The photon should never lose a race. But on Thursday, stories started trickling in of a baffling result: neutrinos that move faster than light. News of this potential violation of special relativity is everywhere now. But despite a flurry of media coverage, it’s still hard to know what to make of the result.
As far as particle physics results go, the finding itself is fairly easy to convey. OPERA, a 1300-metric-ton detector that sits in Italy’s underground Gran Sasso National Laboratory, detected neutrinos that seem to move faster than the speed of light. The nearly massless particles made the 2.43-millisecond, 730-kilometer trip from CERN, where they were created, to OPERA about 60 nanoseconds faster than a photon would.

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Aug 1, 2011


For our Network Solutions Department within the European Research Center (ERC) in Munich, we are looking for enthusiastic and highly motivated students
who would like to support our work for a duration of at least 6 months during an internship related to the following subject: Service Modeling for QoE monitoring in Mobile Broadband Network
If you are a student of POLIMI and you want to get more information, contact prof. Capone.

Jul 14, 2011


e' on line, il nuovo network ufficiale della Community del Politecnico di Milano, uno spazio virtuale dove gli ex allievi vicini e lontani per età e geografia possono ritrovarsi, rafforzare il proprio legame con l'Ateneo e valorizzare la propria professionalità

Jul 13, 2011

Bando Start-up di impresa di giovani, donne e soggetti svantaggiati

 Il bando approvato con decreto n. 3678 del 21/04/2011, in attuazione della DGR IX/1510 del 30/03/2011, costituisce l’ottava linea d’intervento del Fondo di rotazione per l’imprenditorialità (FRIM).

Si tratta della prima misura prevista nel programma d’interventi, approvato con DGR IX/1515 del 30/03/2011, che realizza altresì una delle 12 “sferzate” di Regione per favorire il rilancio dell’economia lombarda, sostenendo lo start-up d’impresa di giovani (18-35 anni), donne (senza limiti d’età) e soggetti svantaggiati (considerando tali i disoccupati da 24 mesi o quanti hanno terminato di usufruire della Cassa integrazione).

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